About Jillian

Hi!  I'm Jillian.  I'm just a girl on an epic quest for truth and authenticity in a world full of filters and impossible standards. I'm what my husband calls a High Maintenence Hippie.  I guess that means I like to be barefoot and put flowers in my hair, but I also like deoderant and designer handbags.     Like so many mothers, I wear a lot of hats (especially when I haven't washed my hair and I've run out of dry shampoo) .  I'm a wife, a mother, a child myself and an artist.  Finding time to manage all of the many aspects of Jill on the inside and not lose my  mind in the process has been a lesson in grace and sometimes futility.

In the course of my education and career, I have done many things, most of which I will share with you here.  I have been a makeup artist for TV and film, a Chef's apprentice, an interior designer, a playwright and director, and a drama and theater coach.  But the most difficult and rewarding job I have held by far has been mothering my two precious and rambunctious daughters.  If you have ever seen a video of baby otters playing, that is my life.  24 hours a day.  I'm not even kidding.

Seven years ago I began to get sick from a mystery autoimmune illness, which took much of the sight in my right eye. After several rounds of terrible medications with even worse side-effects, I began to take the search for better health into my own hands.  I tried so many alternative treatments along the way until I stumbled across The Paleo Diet which was reported to help rid people of chronic inflamation and sickness.  I had nothing left to lose, except the rest of my sight, so I gave it a shot.  It changed my life almost overnight and I have never looked back.  I have been symptom free for six years now and so, many of the posts will be me sharing my passion for the way of eating that I credit with saving my life.

In addition to delicious food and health posts, I will share with you the many DIY projects I like to work on to stay busy and creative, I'll share my heart and struggles with parening and we'll get down to the nitty-gritty about life.  The one thing we all get just one chance to do well.

So come, have a sit with me.  I promise to only ever be real and raw and from the bottom of my heart authentic.  

