Katrina Cough

This just makes me sick.  This article covers what we who live here know all too well.  The cough that won't go away.  Poor, precious children may now suffer for the rest of their lives because of the oversight or under sight or just all around dumb-assedness of the people who made the FEMA trailers and the people who failed to listen to those of us who KNEW something was wrong.

I have about had it with the medical community telling us there is no "conclusive evidence" that proves that what we're telling them is true.  Whether it is this god forsaken sickness that people are unable to rid themselves of, or the allergy that my daughter has that no doctor would recognize after I insisted it was more than just a cold that she was dealing with.

I have learned the hard way that you must be your own doctor.  Do the research into your symptoms and above all, LISTEN to your instincts.  When a doctor tells you you're wrong and you know it isn't true, ask for a second opinion, or a third, until someone takes you seriously.

My heart goes out to those children that are sick and those who are still living in temporary shelters almost three years after the storm.  

Below is a photo of a tragedy. People living out of tents under I-10 in New Orleans. Three years later.