Thank you Copenhagen Girls on Bikes!

What more can I say, other than, I am madly in love with you and want to bear all your children.  If it is possible to be in love with a blog, that is.  

A great big thank you to the lovely and uber-stylish people at copenhagen girls on bikes for posting my submission.  If I can't make it there in person, a photo will surely do!  Hello to all the new visitors that have found my humble little blog because of them.  I hope that you continue to visit here to follow up on my "green experiment", and in the meantime and in between time I am sure to do some very embarrassing things which I will meticulously document for your pleasure and my pain.  

Thank you all for the kind and helpful comments and emails, I know your faces not, but I like you already!

Later posts today will include a vignette on Mississippi.......mmmmmmissippi, or Sippi as I like to call it.  Because, I'm ALL about brevity.

And, because I can't include songs here, but wish I could, if you click HERE you can hear a song that I wish to be the constant soundtrack to my life...or at least until I can't bear to hear it one more time.  How was that for one really long, grammatically incorrect sentence.  Oh, Faulkner would be proud!