Just to Make Up For Not Posting

It cannot be said enough or in too many ways how much I adore summer.  Even if it is hotter than 700 hundred hells here, I revel in it.  

Every morning I wake up feeling like a kid on Christmas morning.  I practically skip to the coffee pot to grab a cup and then I burst through the back door singing to the hummingbirds as I water my flowers.  To me this is a token of my gratitude to God for blessing me with another beautiful day; to the poor ears of my neighbors, it is probably death by auditory rupture.

Is it because summer is finally here after what felt like an endless winter (yeah that IS coming from someone who lives on the ocean) that everything feels so much brighter, funnier.  Or could it in fact be the hallucinatory chemical drip that is being put into the water supply? DUN DUN DUN!  It really doesn't matter to me because I am having one helluva good time every day.

My weekend was spent at the pool and in my garden with intermittent breaks for spontaneous dancing and eating, sometimes WHILE dancing.  Most of this was done to the accompaniment of the radio.  Presently I am obsessed with the oldies station because it reminds me of the summers of my childhood.  

My knowledge of older music far outshines Jeremy's as does my knack for picking out voices.  Although he will deny it, I am right every time.  AHEM, Liam Neesom as the voice of Aslan.  Patting myself on the back AGAIN.  

So throughout this weekend as I would be in the kitchen Jeremy would come in every now and then and no matter what song was on if it had a male singer he was all: Oh, I LOVE Creedence.  And I was all:  This is Three Dog Night you goof.  Not wanting to lose face, he says: Well, I still know voices better than you do.  WHATEVER.  And then he spent the next 45 minutes online refreshing himself on the ENTIRE music catalogue of Creedence Clearwater Revival while pretending that he was looking up bike parts.  He fails to realize that I have eyes, EVERYWHERE.  

About an hour later he comes back into the kitchen while Where Did Our Love Go by The Supremes is playing.  He is all:  OHMYGOD, this is my FAVORITE Creedence song.  That's about the time I sprayed him with the hose from the sink and we both ran outside giggling like children to drink a glass of sweet tea while the sweat ran down our bodies and into this earth that I love.