An Epic Weekend
Well dear readers, we certainly had an eventful weekend. And to tell you all about it with the gusto in which it was experienced I have just consumed several cups of coffee and a pot of Earl Grey tea. Which comes in at a very close third for my affections, after Jeremy and Elsbeth.
Jeremy got the crazy idea on Saturday morning that we should bike the entire length of the Capitol Crescent Trail. All the way from Silver Spring, MD to Georgetown in D.C. It's about 11 miles one way. I was all, sure, but if I die on the way can you throw my bike and body on the metro and shuttle me home for a decent burial. And make sure those undertakers don't make me look like a hooker!
Jeremy was all, OH come on don't you think you can make it? And I casually informed him that while it may be one thing for me to do a spinning class, this was an undertaking of another caliber, but I would try my long as he let me have some ice cream.
And we did it all for less than thirty bucks. Yes, I borrowed money from our parents.