I Care What You Think....No, seriously

Dear Readers,
In an effort to make you happy and keep you entertained, (Because I LIVE to Service, I mean Serve you) I  would like to have your feedback on what you would like to hear more or less about.  Is there a topic you think I should discuss more frequently, it could be anything....except me in the nude.  I am So not going there.  Or should I shut up about something?  Maybe there is a topic I have never discussed and you think I should tackle it.  I want to know what you think.

So please, you can either email me at jillian@buttonsmcsweet.com or just leave a comment on this post with your suggestions, opinions, whatever.

As an afterthought perhaps I should add some of the Dilettante's illustrious and sometimes shady ventures that perhaps you would like me to elaborate on.
At one time or another I have been:

A makeup artist for small and profitless, yet altogether true to artistic vision independent films.

A chef in training

A beverage cart girl on a golf course

An intern for a congressman (no, there were no cigars you pervs)

A ticket taker for a fundraiser and two feet from the Prez (Dub-Ya that is) which led me to be able to meet him. (and No, there were no cigars there either, SHEESH)

A Nanny

A spokesmodel for a company that sponsored an Indycar Driver at the Indianapolis 500

An ice cream scooper

An Ebayer (I had a successful ebay store that specialized in vintage goods)

A deep thinking waitress that drank way too much after her shifts at various upscale restaraunts
