GPS Didn't Discover the New World

During a three hour drive to Pennsylvania this past weekend (more on that later) Jeremy was deploring the GPS system on my iPhone.  After repeated attempts to restart the phone and map our route, the system was still unable to locate our cars position on the interstate.  This was the conversation that followed:

Jeremy: This thing sucks, I now know FOR SURE I'm not getting this phone in December.

Me: Good, because there's only room for one really cool person in this family and now we know who it is.

Jeremy: We HAVE to get a GPS system soon.  We can't find our way around with this thing.

Me: Ummmmm, what about maps?  What did people ever do before GPS?  How did Christopher Columbus discover the New World without GPS Jeremy? HUH HUH HUH?

Jeremy: He discovered the New World ON ACCIDENT.  

Me: Uhhhhhh, Touche.  But it's pretty awesome here so it was a good accident.   

Jeremy: I'm Sooo the cool one.
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