Name That Baby!

Ok Dear Readers, I am once again soliciting your opinions and advice because presumably if you are a recurrent reader of my blog we might perhaps be functioning on a similar frequency.  Or maybe it's more like you stop by to watch what kind of train wreck I've involved myself in this time.  Either way, I am in a conundrum.  

I have been struggling for months now to come up with a name for this baby.  I have a list of several that I like, but as of yet, nothing is really tugging at my heart and I don't hear the silent cry from this baby as to what she should be called.  And yes, Elsbeth sort of told me her name.  And it just fit.  

I am rather picky when it comes to naming people as I think it is a very important task to bestow upon someone.  So, I'm going to give you my criteria and then my list of names and you tell me which ones you like and why.  PLEASE HELP ME! 

The Dilettante's Name Choosing Manifesto:
 I believe that names have meaning and weight and when we place them upon someone we are saying something about them and ourselves.  

I would never choose a name for someone without knowing what it means or just because I like the way it sounds.  It may be the most beautiful sound but if it means "Shit for brains" who wants that?

I could care less if a name is popular or if kids are going to make fun of my child for it.  I think if kids are going to make fun of you, they'll find a way, funny name or not.  How many times do you think I had to hear "Jack and Jill"?  And unfortunately, when I hit high school it turned into Andrew Dice Clay's version of that nursery rhyme. HEY!

If I happen to choose an unusual name for my child I will raise them with the understanding of why I chose it just for them and why it's special to me.

And without further ado, here is the list of names I've chosen in no particular order:

Genevieve: (Meaning: Of the race of women), and she WILL NOT be called Gen.  Her nickname will be Viva which is Latin for "full of life"

Pippa: (Meaning: Lover of horses) This is also a poem by Robert Browning, click HERE to read it.  

Anya: (Meaning: Gracious, Merciful)  I admire these qualities in a person, particularly in women

Breindel: (Meaning: Blessing) Well, that about sums it up.  My hope would be that she would continue her life as a blessing to others

Ariella: (Meaning: Lion of God) I dig it.  Fierce. Holy.

Sloane: (Meaning: Warrior) Well, I know she didn't ask to be born into economic times such as these, but my hope would be that she would learn to fight for what is right and work hard for what she wants.

Aurelie: (Meaning: Golden)  This is perhaps wishful thinking on my part that she will inherit my corn silk hair as a child.

Margaux: (Meaning: Pearl) Nice, but I'm really just grabbing at straws at this point.


Joie: (Meaning: Joy)  Joy is beautiful and contagious.

Ok, are you ready for this doozie?  

Alnilam: (Meaning: string of pearls)  This is the name of the middle star in the belt of Orion and has particular meaning for me.  Because I moved so much growing up I was in a state of constant change.  I found it extremely comforting that no matter where I was in the world I could always look up into the night sky and find my constellation.  I realize that the sound of this word is strange and hard to pronounce but the more I read about this star the more I fall in love with it.

There they are, in all their glory.  I implore you again, Dear Readers, give me your opinions and if you think of a name that you like that's not on my list, please tell me and don't forget to include the meaning!