New Weekly Feature ~ The Sunday Blog of Note

There will be a new weekly feature over here at Confessions of a Dilletante: The Sunday Blog of Note. Every Sunday I will feature a blog I have discovered or have been referred to that I think you, Dear Readers, might enjoy. If you have any ideas or suggestions for a Blog of Note, please send them my way at . I would love to hear from you.

So, without any further ado, the first Blog of Note is: Kalyn's Kitchen . I stumbled upon this blog during a search for some recipes for the South Beach Diet and I fell instantly in love. Not only are the recipes delicious, (I know because I've tried a few) but the pictures accompanying them are beautiful and guaranteed to make you hungry. She also has the site set up so that there are printer friendly versions of every recipe, saving you precious ink.

Hope you like it and enjoy your Sunday!
