Super Green Smoothie Recipe

When we lived in San Diego, one of our favorite weekly habits was walking to the Farmer's Market in Little Italy on Saturday mornings.  It had everything you could ever want food-wise, and almost all of the booths gave out free samples.  One of our favorite finds during our time in southern California was the Greenfix Smoothie.  While it is indeed very green, the taste is delicious, so much so that even our kids loved it and my husband, who is allergic to cats, stopped suffering from our two cats!


Every week we would purchase a gallon and be through it in time for the next farmer's market.  The people that staffed it were always so friendly and helpful and if you're in that area, I highly recommend checking them out.  After we left the area, we were determined to find a replacement for our favorite healthy drink.  But, here in South Carolina, there was no such drink to be found that we could purchase already made.  So, we scoured the internet and found the closest recipe we could.  

It has now become an almost weekly staple in this house, and while there is a bit of prep work involved, the end result is well worth it.  I make my children drink a glass mixed with pineapple juice once a day when I have it, and I can honestly see a difference in the brightness of their eyes and complexion when they have been drinking it for a few days.  It's true.  And every person I have gotten to try it, because I am like a drug pusher when it comes to this stuff, has loved it, asked for the recipe and gone on to make it themselves.  

Now, because you are blending the entire plant and fruit, this is a SMOOTHIE and NOT juice.  Juicing removed the pulp which is very beneficial to your body.  So you do not need a juicer to make this, just a blender with some chutzpah.  I usually double or quadruple this recipe so I can have a lot on hand.  The entire family drinks it, so we do go through quite a bit.  

Let me know what you think if you make it!  

Super GreenSmoothie.png

Ps.  If you can't find dandelion greens, feel free to omit them.  I've actually been known to pick them out in the "wild".  Enjoy!